A week ago, we were delighted to share with our community our outstanding VCE results and congratulate the Class of 2022 on not only their outstanding academic results but their achievements across the board. 

A week later, all the results of all of the schools across the State have been published in the media and we are thrilled to share that with an outstanding median ATAR of 93.8, Korowa is ranked 3rd across the State behind Melbourne High and Mac Robertson Girls’ High – both  select-entry secondary schools, making Korowa the top open entry school in the State.  

“As a proudly open entry School, we accept students regardless of their academic level and work with them to ensure they reach their full potential and can achieve their personal best. We are incredibly proud of all our students’ VCE results.” commented Principal Mrs Frances Booth. 

Analysing the data across the Better Education website Korowa has performed extremely well.  

  • Korowa is placed in the top 10 schools in the state based on the percentage of students who achieved an ATAR of 99+  
  • Ranked 4th based on the percentage of students who achieved an ATAR of 90+  
  • Placed 6th based on the percentage of students who achieved an ATAR of 95+  
  • Ranked 1st based on the percentage of students who achieved an ATAR of 80+. 

These results are a testament to the hard work our students have put in over the course of their schooling despite the many interruptions over the past three years. This group of students have demonstrated resilience, been adaptable and they returned to school at the start of the year with optimism, ready to lead the School in their final year. 

Each and every one of our students is supported and provided with the opportunity to achieve their personal best at Korowa. Our staff, and in particular our teachers are dedicated to our students in ensuring they make the most of every opportunity during their education at Korowa, not just the learning but that they participate in co-curricular activities, community service and leadership to ensure they leave us prepared for their future, whatever that may be.