Dive in and explore all that Korowa’s new Sports and Wellbeing Centre has to offer.

No dream is too big. Trying is what counts.
You don’t have to be ‘the best’ to be ‘your best’.

In the pool, on the court, onstage or in the multi-purpose studio, Korowa’s new Sports and Wellbeing Centre has something for every student.

It’s where your child’s entire health and wellbeing is fully catered for; physically, emotionally, mentally, socially and spiritually.

The Roslyn Otzen Sports and Wellbeing Centre is the culmination of Korowa’s commitment to the wellbeing of our students.

Book a Tour to explore for yourself



At Korowa, we believe that a holistic approach to education provides benefits to the whole person. The purpose-built facility is a space where all the dimensions of health and wellbeing are specifically catered to; physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual.

Supporting Korowa’s programs in Sport, Physical Education, Performing Arts and Wellbeing, the Centre provides the foundation and embodiment of Korowa’s Mental Health Strategy.


The state-of-the-art Centre includes:
  • The Hannah Macdougall pool: eight lane 25m swimming pool and modern changeroom facilities
  • The Wendy Millar Sports Hall: Multi-purpose court for basketball, netball, badminton and volleyball
  • Rooftop court for netball, basketball and School events
  • Purpose built dance facilities including a sprung floor and barre
  • Amy Tennent Theatre: Multipurpose drama space to allow access to professional theatre technologies with Juliet balcony
  • Functional spaces for Pilates and yoga
  • Fully equipped gym for strength and conditioning programs
  • Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) room to facilitate the development of fundamental motor skills in a dedicated space
  • Health and Learning Services: Health Centre, offices and meeting spaces for health services, counsellor, psychologist and learning support staff
  • Sandra Ivory Café opening onto a piazza to enhance the social interaction and wellbeing for all our students

The Project

Without the exceptional generosity of the Cripps Foundation and an equally significant capital investment from the School we could not have constructed this building which is the most significant capital works project in our over 130-year history.

Architecture and Design

The project consultants included Accuraco Pty Ltd, Sally Draper Architects, Mitsuori, IrwinConsult, Taylor Cullity Lethlean, Marshall Day and Wilde & Woollard. Korowa appointed Ireland Brown Constructions (IBC) to build the Centre. The space was specifically designed for the Korowa community, in a response to our programs and the future learning needs of our students.


Construction of the ROSWC commenced on the site (formerly the Sports and Wellbeing Centre) in June 2020, and was completed in June 2022.

The result is an exceptional construction, complete with signature Korowa touches such as the palm leaf, and complements the traditional elements of the Korowa Campus.

Honouring our Korovians

River Campus

Ideally located on the Yarra to make best use of the river, upstream to Hawthorn, or downstream to the City and beyond, our River Campus is located only 10 minutes from School providing easy access for our students and coaches.

The dedicated centre for Korowa students, staff and families provides a real presence on the river. Including generous storage space for boats, as well as a large multifunctional room which may be used as a learning space or for School events.

This centre provides Korowa with the opportunity to expand our Rowing Program and our outdoor education offering as well providing a space for programs such as Year 9 Urban Challenge. It is a fabulous space for our community to come together.