Years 10 – 12
As girls move into the Senior Years they build on the academic and social foundations developed in the Cripps Program; identifying and enhancing their interests, passions and strengths as effective and independent learners.
In Year 9, there is a focus on challenge and choice with new opportunities and subjects on offer. With a strong focus on character development, students continue to build confidence, resilience and empathy. There are opportunities for leadership with a strong element of service across the program. Students explore a range of concepts that impact the lives of contemporary young people and are challenged to consider their own attitudes and behaviours.
Year 10 allows our students to take a more global perspective to learning with Peer Support, Future Ready, career exploration and subject planning for VCE. Our Year 10 Program provides a breadth of core subjects and choice in electives, preparing students for their final years.
VCE has a strong focus on supporting students as they complete their secondary education. Alongside the academic program, students are equipped with the skills required for success beyond school. Responsibility, career planning and embracing leadership within the School feature heavily throughout the VCE years.
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